Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Good vs. The Bad Fat

Don't eat this fat, eat that fat! All fats are not created equal. This photo above is a great example of good fat vs bad fat. Obviously the donut is the bad fat. It is loaded with saturated fat, trans fat and sugars which are the unhealthy fats and offer almost no nutritional value. Avocado, on the other hand, contains vitamin B, C, K, and E, and is full of oleic acid which is a monounsaturated fat that helps to lower cholesterol.

More nutrition facts on avocados can be found on

Fat...burn it!

I feel like this guy looks. He's very confident and takes pride in his name...Fat Bastard, but I don't want to be him. I have taken it upon my self to hit the gym again. Lately, the dissatisfaction with my body has forced me to do something about it. I can't fit some of my most favorite jeans due to a fat bottom so I have decided to go to war with the enemy... my body fat!


We love to eat it but we hate it on our bodies. This blog is all about the things we can do to fat like saute foods in it, gain it, burn it, loose it and even use it to moisturize our bodies. I am on a journey to discover how I can effectively use fat and lose fat in the most healthy and interesting ways possible. Follow me to see how many things I can do to fat!